"Untitled" is a gelatin silver print created between 1932 and 1935 by David Smith. After carefully looking at the artwork and noticing that the title is "Untitled," I’ve concluded that the theme of this work is Art and Art. Art and Art is a theme that reminds its audience that art is an activity in which people have come to pursue for its own sake. This being so, many times art can be its own theme, having no other purpose than to provide visual pleasure or even an answer to the ongoing question "What is art?" (76). Because the photograph is partially blurry, it is hard to make out what each detail is. The blurry affect, however, is pleasing to the eye. This work doesn’t seem to have a clear message or intent, therefore its purpose in being made is to just have something to look at or to have hanging on a wall or museum exhibit, allowing others to observe the beauty that has been made.
"Daybreak – A Time to Rest" is a tempera on hardboard, created by Jacob Lawrence in 1967. Based solely on the title and the subject of this painting, I believe the theme to be The Human Experience. This theme deals with the different life adventures that a human being would encounter. Some of these adventures may include birth, childhood, young adulthood, love life, maturing into a full grown person and even death. It may also include the different emotions we feel throughout our lives that are caused by certain events; these feelings can include doubt, wonder, happiness, sorrow, fear, loneliness, despair and the sense of being worn out, in dire need of rest (69). With the human beings lying down on the shore of the beach, it looks as if they are worn out from all the work they have done and have decided to take advantage of their "Daybreak" from their jobs. They seem to be resting, wanting to regain the energy they need in order to get back to doing their daily duties. This may be something these people do on a daily basis, something that is apart of their human experience or lifestyle. It reminds the viewer of the importance of taking advantage of the breaks they receive at their jobs each day. The action of lying down may be a little extreme, but the idea is for the viewer to be reminded that they should rest during their daily "daybreaks."
"Daybreak – A Time to Rest" is a tempera on hardboard, created by Jacob Lawrence in 1967. Based solely on the title and the subject of this painting, I believe the theme to be The Human Experience. This theme deals with the different life adventures that a human being would encounter. Some of these adventures may include birth, childhood, young adulthood, love life, maturing into a full grown person and even death. It may also include the different emotions we feel throughout our lives that are caused by certain events; these feelings can include doubt, wonder, happiness, sorrow, fear, loneliness, despair and the sense of being worn out, in dire need of rest (69). With the human beings lying down on the shore of the beach, it looks as if they are worn out from all the work they have done and have decided to take advantage of their "Daybreak" from their jobs. They seem to be resting, wanting to regain the energy they need in order to get back to doing their daily duties. This may be something these people do on a daily basis, something that is apart of their human experience or lifestyle. It reminds the viewer of the importance of taking advantage of the breaks they receive at their jobs each day. The action of lying down may be a little extreme, but the idea is for the viewer to be reminded that they should rest during their daily "daybreaks."
1 comment:
Dear Durell,
What can I say? When you get something you get it.
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